2019AURA is an online media outlet from Taiwan that focuses on contemporary men's fashion and the culture surrounding the watch industry. They champion the belief that fashion is more than surface-level aesthetics; it represents an individual's personal style journey and a deepening appreciation of beauty.
The name AURA embodies the notion of an atmosphere or unique vibe surrounding someone. The brand draws on mirroring elements in its logotype to reflect this ethos, symbolising the twins' connection as co-founders. Boldly contrasting blue and orange tones have been chosen as the brand’s signature colours, conveying an audacious, self-assured style that distinctly represents AURA’s character and attitude.
AURA 是一個專注於男性當代時尚與鐘錶文化的台灣線上媒體。他們堅信,時尚不僅是外在的光鮮亮麗,更是一場深層次的美學探索與個人風格的精進歷程。「AURA」一詞蘊含著「氛圍」與「氣場」的意涵,彰顯品牌對品味和個性氣質的獨特詮釋。
以此概念為基礎,AURA 的品牌圖標注入了鏡像元素,象徵兩位創辦人間的孿生聯結;色彩上則大膽選用藍橙對比,讓品牌形象充滿自信且引人注目,完美捕捉並傳達出品牌的獨特性格與風格宣言,也巧妙地強調 AURA 作為時尚媒體的識別度與前衛精神。
Art + CultureEntertainment + Media
NamingVisual Identity