2018Mutualism is a set of public furniture that explores the potential of universality, recognising its vital role in shaping efficient and safe environments. As an experimental project, it seeks to create harmony between object, space, and user—specifically within indoor social areas. Designed to be both flexible and visually engaging, its undulating, curved form encourages connection and interaction, while its varied heights provide adaptability for diverse settings.
Drawing inspiration from toy blocks, Mutualism consists of five distinct modules that can be assembled in linear, overlapping, or expansive configurations, offering more than 300 possible arrangements. This modular bench transforms into a landscape, compartment, or even a shelving system, functioning as an integral spatial tool. With its neutral aesthetic—achieved through slender frames and soft, low-saturation tones—it seamlessly blends into its surroundings, acting as a subtle catalyst for spatial dynamics.
Mutualism 是一組挑戰公共座椅泛用性的作品,試圖探索並強調公共傢俱在環境中所扮演的關鍵角色。其使用場域鎖定於室內公共場合,旨在於物件、空間與使用者間創造和諧。高低起伏的的曲線設計,除了靈活且創造視覺吸引力外,更刺激了使用者間的互動可能性;不同高度的椅面則使其能適應各種潛在的使用情境。
Mutualism 的靈感來自於積木:五個型態的模組可以直線、重疊排列,或組合成更大的裝置,提供超過三百種排列方式,成為場域中的景觀、儲物座或書架。相對柔和的色調選擇與纖細的框架結構,讓它得以隱身於各種場景中,扮演空間動態催化劑的同時卻又不至喧賓奪主。
Civic + PublicDISCIPLINE