Open Culture Foundation
2024Moving into the next decade with a refreshed visual language
The Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is a Taiwanese non-profit organisation advocating open technology. Founded by local communities committed to defending civil liberties in the digital realm, OCF has been instrumental in promoting open technology across both public and private sectors over the past decade. It has also played a pivotal role in policy initiatives, laying a robust foundation for developing open technology in Taiwan.
OCF’s belief in co-creation is reflected not only in the issues it champions but also in its brand image, which has been shaped by the contributions of its members over the years. However, as time passed, the organisation recognised the need for a more adaptable and cohesive identity system that was better suited to the dynamic digital environment. This adaptability is crucial for OCF to continue evolving and thriving in an ever-changing landscape.
The rebranding was a collaborative effort involving every OCF member. We sought their insights, experiences, and visions for the organisation, which we distilled into a core value and a set of critical concepts. This collective input formed the foundation for OCF’s evolving brand identity. With this conceptual framework in place, we crafted a new visual chapter for the organisation, centred around a bold, striking purple; this ambiguous colour stands between red and blue and perfectly resonates with OCF’s focus, which can sometimes be challenging to define. Its artificial quality further highlights the organisation’s connection to the digital sphere.
Given the importance of text in digital development, the logotype was chosen as the primary element to convey OCF’s character. The slab style and underscore were inspired by monospaced typefaces and indicators in code editors, with the underscore also symbolising continuity and openness. Additional cornering details were incorporated to enhance the dynamic feel of the identity. We then developed a shortened alternative logo and a series of supportive colours and flexible elements to ensure that the refreshed brand image remained coherent and could be consistently expressed in a unified tone.
With OCF’s mission in mind, we ensured that every aspect, from typefaces to the file formats for the identity guidelines, was open-sourced, thus providing accessibility and usability for all potential stakeholders. The vivid colour palette, bold typefaces, and legible presentation have breathed new life into OCF’s brand. Striking a delicate balance between playfulness and rigorousness, the identity is poised to guide OCF into the next decade.
開放文化基金會(OCF)是一個倡導開放科技的非營利組織,致力於促成一個開放、安全、涵融且眾人參與的數位公民社會。由數個民間社群所創立,OCF 在公私部門間扮演開放科技的重要推動者及銜繫者,近年來更逐步參與政策倡議,為台灣開放科技的發展奠定了堅實基礎。
OCF 對於共創的信念不僅體現在議題的關注上,也也反映在其視覺形象中,該形象在多年來由成員自發貢獻而逐步演變。然而,隨著數位環境的快速發展,他們需要一個更具適應性、一致性與識別性的視覺識別系統。在專案初期,我們與 OCF 的所有成員進行了交流,深入了解他們的想法和願景,並將其凝聚成核心價值與一系列關鍵字,這些內容成為我們為 OCF 打造全新視覺篇章的基礎。
新的視覺語言以大膽、醒目的紫色為核心,這個色彩曖昧地介於紅藍之間,一如 OCF 活躍於難以被定義的模糊地帶;充滿人造感的色調也暗示著他們與數位媒介的緊密聯繫。我們從程式碼編輯器中獲得靈感,以文字作為 OCF 品牌識別的主軸,粗襯線字體和底線元素等在在呼應著編碼環境中的視覺特徵,後者更傳達了開放性與參與邀請的意涵。此外,我們還開發了一系列的邊角細節、變體標誌、輔助色彩與應用元素,進一步加強了品牌識別的一致性與可用性。
為了呼應 OCF 推動的願景,我我們確保專案中的每一個環節,從字體到視覺識別手冊的檔案格式都是開放源碼的,從而降低所有潛在參與者的參與門檻。綜合來看,生動的色調、大膽的字體與清晰的視覺表現為 OCF 注入了活力,全新的視覺識別在趣味與嚴謹間取得了平衡,並將引領組織邁向下一個十年。
Open Culture Foundation 開放文化基金會
Not-for-Profit 非營利
Technology 數位與科技
Brand Strategy 品牌策略
Visual Identity 視覺識別
Project Manager & Designer 專案管理 + 設計
Megan Lin 林宛瑜