As climate change increasingly endangers human life, the significance of sustainability has drawn greater focus in recent years. While the public begins to engage with the circular economy, industries are now investing in the research, development, and optimisation of circular products and production systems, aiming to catalyse change. Building on the momentum of prior exhibitions, "the SPIRAL" unites 67 businesses, 245 exhibits, and several international organisations, making it Taiwan's largest-ever circular design exhibition, with the most extensive collection of cases.

The visual identity, structured around three pivotal concepts—"SPOT, ECHO, 360°"—draws inspiration from the movement, progression, and expension of matter and energy along a unified axis. The continuous rotation of the central axis, depicted as a fluid, uninterrupted image, symbolises the process of iteration and energy accumulation. This embodies the curatorial team's vision of fostering a dynamic dialogue and empowering consumers, designers, and manufacturers alike, utilising the exhibition as a platform for mutual learning and exchange.

The visitor journey is built upon these three conceptual frameworks and extends into a cohesive, linear narrative across four independent exhibition rooms. Each room mirrors and connects with the others through complementary design approaches. From observing the current landscape, proposing solutions, exploring new possibilities, and finally linking to global networks, the exhibition flows from the abstract to the concrete, the macro to the micro, illustrating the philosophies and practices of circular design.

Beyond merely presenting circular design through art, spatial concepts, and exhibitions, these principles are embedded within the curatorial planning and material selections. The partitions, display tables, and seating in the exhibition are crafted from reusable paper and wood products, while the printed materials utilise paper made from paper manufacture waste. These efforts not only minimise resource consumption during the exhibition's production but also reflect the evolution of the circular economy from a designer's viewpoint, highlighting design's integral role in advancing the circular economy framework.

隨著氣候異變逐漸危及人類生活,永續議題日益受到重視。大眾開始接觸循環經濟的同時,許多企業也投身循環產品研發與生產系統優化,希冀為現況帶來改變。延續前兩屆展覽的動能,the SPIRAL 共邀集了 67 間廠商、245 件展品及數個國際組織單位參展,是台灣歷年來展期最大、案例最多的循環設計展。

SPOT、ECHO、360° 三大框架構成。將軸心持續旋轉的樣貌圖像化,形體從扁平到立體延展的過程可視為一種迭代與蓄能,反映了策展人期許消費端、設計端、製造端三方以該展為契機,相互學習、對話並賦能的期許。




經濟部工業局  Industrial Development Bureau, MoEA
台灣設計研究院 Taiwan Design Research Institute


Art + Culture
Civic + Public
Design + Architecture
Manufacturing + Industrials
Professional Services


Exhibition + Curation
Visual Identity

ROLE (as a member of CHU Studio)

Lead Graphic Designer + Curator

TEAM (CHU Studio)

邵唯晏 Alfie Shao
阮建華 Chien-Hua Ruan
張昭衛 David Chang
許恩溥 Enpu Hsu
蘇聖文 Francesco Su
陳皜曄 Jason Chen
滕俊仁 Jun Teng
林宛瑜 Megan Lin
孫廷睿 Memphis Sun
陳宛瑄 Mia Chen


大聲光電 Loudly Lightning


彩天科技   Colorsky Technology
天天防護口罩 EVERYDAY Mask
鳳嬌催化室  FENKO Catalysis Chamber
松山文創園區 Songshan Cultural and Creative Park
洛陽紙櫃   The Young Square


Creative Denmark
Creative Economy Agency
Impact Design Hub
Nihonbashi Gururi
The Trade Council of Denmark